Introduction of Hotel

A Hotel is an establishment that provides accommodation and also usually meals and other services for travelers and other paying guests. It provides paid lodging, usually on a short-term basis. Hotels often provide a number of additional guest services such as a restaurant, laundry, a swimming pool or childcare. Some hotels have conference services and meeting rooms and encourage groups to hold conventions, functions and meetings at their location. Hotels are found in almost all the cities of the world. Hotels operate twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The principal factor that determines the guest’s attitude towards a hotel is the quality of service, although other amenities such as room, food and beverages are also of importance.

The Organization of Hotels
Organization means the arrangement of staff and assignment of their duties and responsibilities, so that the operation can function efficiently and as one unit. The organization of the hotel will depend on its size and type. As the hotel varies in size, shape and age, so the exact role of the housekeeping department will differ from one hotel to another. However, whatever the type or size of hotel, regarding the work of housekeeping, the department has one basic function-to oversee the cleanliness and comfort of the hotel.

Staffing of the hotel
An organization chart is a drawing that shows the relationship between departments or divisions and specific positions within an organization. There is no model or standard organizational chart that describes how all hotels should be organized. Each hotel has different charts according to their size. The plan for any particular hotel depends on a many things such as location, client base, and services to be offered, layout of the building, management structure, etc. However, despite such differences, there is a framework which many hotels use.