Types of breakfast

There  are three types of breakfast served an most hotels.
1. Continental Breakfast
2.English Breakfast
3.American Breakfast

Continental Breakfast
This is rather a high breakfast, which consist of

Fresh fruits / stewed fruit or fruit juices
    Breakfast bread with butter, Marmalade or Preserves
    Hot Beverage

Sometime slight variations occur in certain countries such as Germany, Austria where a soft boiled eggs are served and Switzerland and Holland cheese may be served with continental breakfast. On the European continent it is usual practice to serve salt free butter with continental breakfast.

English breakfast
The extent and variety of an English breakfast menu will depend on the type of establishment in which it is served.
A full English breakfast may sometimes consist up to eight courses. However, today most hotels offer an English breakfast comprising of the following items.

Fresh fruits / stewed fruit or fruit juices
Cereals with warm/cold milk and sugar
A fish preparation
Egg made to order with Ham, Bacon, Sausages
    Breakfast bread with butter, Marmalade or Preserves
Hot Beverage

American Breakfast
A American breakfast is heavier than the English breakfast. The reason being after an American breakfast a very light lunch is to be served

Fresh fruits / stewed fruit or fruit juices
Cereals with warm/cold milk and sugar
Waffles, Pancakes with melted butter and syrup or honey
A fish preparation
A small portion of steak/meat/hamburger with accompaniments
Egg made to order with Ham, Bacon, Sausages
    Breakfast bread with butter, Marmalade or Preserves
Hot Beverage

This type of breakfast is seldom served in hotels. Due to the length of the breakfast chilled water should be served throughout the meal.